Tales of the Cruzinator

Friday, June 29, 2007

as the realll life begins...

so i would say that i officially became a real person on wed. jun 27, 2007. i say this b/c all the things that happened on wed. which i will list for you right now.

1. stupid computer to be fixed with the warranty quickly winding down and having to wait for that ish before the trek back to nyc. that thing is dying and i need to buy a new comp.

2. moving out of my apt in college for good which including get rid of furniture and the like.

3. saying goodbye to CH and evrybody and everything that comes along in that package

4. getting a flat tire in the darkness of the nj turnpike by myself at 11pm and having to get a brand new tire

and now i'm back in staten being a waste of life as usual. trying to get thru med school apps, packing, and moving. so i'm a real person now still stuck in si mode. greattt...


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