Tales of the Cruzinator

Saturday, September 08, 2007

trying to survive september

As the summer has come to a close, the chaos in my life switches modes. This summer was basically running around to hang out with everyone and stressing out at work. Now, post-Labor Day, it is about secondaries and classes. Getting secondaries done is pretty time consuming, especially after work. But then throw in classes at a totally school at freakin College Park, and that equals me running around Maryland trying to get all my stuff settled. Luckily, it's all getting done but slowly, with lots of mistakes along the way. I guess they are trivial in the bigger scheme of things. My goal is basically to survive September, get through secondaries and get used to the routine of class after work and then actually being able to hang out on the weekends in DC. haha. try not to be pulled away up north. ;)


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