Tales of the Cruzinator

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

winter is pretty peaceful...even if it is a torturous run..

Today was the day after yesterday's marathon including a final + intense day of shadowing at Brookdale hospital. I was actually a trooper initially and went to school events this morning, which were poorly attended and participated (for good reason). However, after arriving 20 minutes late and 20 minutes into sitting in lecture #1, I was D-O-N-E DONE! So as soon as lunch hour hit, I peaced that EFF out and took the rest of the day off. YEA! Am I a rebel or what!?!

The highlight of my day was a winter run in Prospect Park. Mind you, I HATE running. I get really bored especially because I'm not that fast nor do I have that much stamina. However, last week at some point I was so antsy because I had been working out a lot and was getting used to my regular dose of endorphins. So the BIG surprise was me actually taking the long loop and running the whole thing, albeit pretty slowly but at least I ran it ALL. It was a really AWESOME run, maybe because it was empty and quiet or it was the lake scenery with the ducks standing on the frozen ice. OR MAYBE it was because my mind was still numb from yesterday and couldn't think about the torture I was truly undergoing. I mean ANYTHING is more fun than studying. haha. In conclusion, I'm gonna skip school to do it again tomorrow. TAKE THAT downstate!!! Bring on the endorphins, it may actually make me like running and winter...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i believe the sole purpose of the olympics is to inspire...at least me if no one else...

So obviously, the olympics have been the head honcho of sports recently, and for good reason: it is one of the rare times when the whole world can participate in athletic competition. It's not just watching football or hockey or baseball which is so focused on US athletes, and US male athletes at that. This time, you get to see all these rando sports that you never think of, and see how good people are at it.

Just today, I was able to tune into many more events from the virtue of my ass-backwards schedule. And as a warning, I actually think all the sports are pretty cool, but these two particular ones never cease to amaze slash confuse me.

Yes, I shall THROW you, and you will morph into a triple salchow (NOT sow cow)- Do you remember back in the day when it was Tara Lipinski vs. Michelle Kwan for the gold? Tara Lipinski looked like a duck b/c of her fat lips and was also the first person ever to do a triple loop/triple loop combination, which resulted in the stealing of the gold medal from michelle kwan? Yes, fun stuff and crazy gravity defying moves. I was reminded about the crazy aerodynamics of ice skating today when watching pair skating. The dude basically picked up his partner and THREW her and she went straight into a salchow jump. (for reference, check out this quick youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh_E8nBCgmg) I mean, WTF, that could be confused with domestic abuse: "Yes, doc, I THROW my partner's body around. No there is no trouble at home, that is my occupation." BUT, when you put on ice skates and a sparkly outfit, throwing your partner becomes quite the respectable and awe-inspiring maneuver. Amazing? YES. Confusing? YES.

tea pots and brooms in the olympics: the perfect sport for cinderella. Today there was a TON of curling on tv (This was the most dramatic picture of curling that I could find on the internet.) and usually, I'm not a big fan of sports commentators. I find they don't do that great of a job of enhancing the viewing experience. However, the commentators for curling are actually really good, because they explain what is going on in this quixotic sport. One thing they were talking about were the real careers of these olympian curlers since curling isn't really a sport that you can do full time and avoid being homeless. (When was the last time you saw a curling match come to your hometown?) So the US team is comprised of a bartender, IT guy, and construction worker. The fourth guy who was like 20-something decided that after the olympics it was time for him to find a career, just like what some post-college grads must deal with. I just assume that he was living in his mom's basement. so the moral of this story is that it is still VERY POSSIBLE for ME to become an olympian. Maybe I won't be able to compete in tennis or volleyball, but CURLING is a very viable option: doctor-ing during the week, BAD-ASS curler on the weekends. Oh, I'd do it.

In regards to the Olympics, I may definitely be a bit biased as I am a HUGE sports enthusiast in general, but you gotta admit, the olympics is an amazing thing. 2 weeks of non-stop events..kind of like field day in elementary school but vamped up so it's not just trying to catch a waterballoon so that you can tease team red or blue or whoever your nemesis might be. It's about proving yourself, about representing your country while you do it, and about the GLORY. So let the olympics ROCK ON and maybe one day, I can be lucky enough to be part of it: player or doctor. I'll take either.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The quest for the meaning of life....

For the past couple days, I've been studying at Blue Marble, a local, organic and DELICIOUS ice cream shop around the corner from my apartment. I've always gone there for the awesome ice cream but recently, I've been in search for new study locations when the Brooklyn Public Library is closed. What I have found, is that studying in an ice cream shop in winter is a fabulous idea! In addition, I've been observing the kids coming through and have found that this is where truth and inspiration lie: in the simplicites of life by people (albeit little people) who have not had their lives complicated just yet.

Therefore, I have decided to revive my blog from the dead, in the hopes of finding and documenting inspiration in my DAILY life, in an effort to stimulate my mind and remove myself from the jaded world of medicine in which I live.

Now I will share with you a count down of my Top 3 inspirational moments of today:

3. FUN Emergency: so you know those carabiners, that are usually used to clip nalgene bottles or those new metal cancer-free water bottles to a backpack for easy and quick access to rehydration? Today, I saw a dad with a backpack and on his carabiner was a toy truck = Easy and quick access to FUN. a.k.a. Fun should always be available at your fingertips.

2. Going straight for the good stuff: Often times, food is concocted in particular combinations, perhaps to enhance the greatness of one ingredient. For example, icing that comes with cake or fries that come with a burger. Eating it together makes it THAT much better. But what if you just went straight for greatness? ex: cream cheese on a bagel (cream cheese being the greatness, in my opinion). Today, one kid was eating a bagel face first into the cream cheese side. The result was cream cheese all over his face. Going with your gut and having proof, huh kid? I can do nothing but salute you.

1. The ULTIMATE solution for the savory vs. sweet breakfast debacle: so this age old debacle has plagued brunch enthusiasts for ages. Should I go with the banana-walnut-chocolate chip pancakes with a side of whipped cream or 2 eggs, overeasy, with sausage home fries and a side of wheat toast? Today, the frank solution was so clearly revealed to me. This one kid was taking a bite of a buttered bagel and then the next bite of vanilla ice cream. so simple, yet mind boggling.

In conclusion, I find that the truths of life are found when you recognize the simple things: whittling down the dilemma into its simple parts and getting down to the heart of the issue at hand. Perhaps it is the observation of the simple things, not only of the children who visit Blue Marble ice cream parlor, but perhaps whatever is around you, to find inspiration in the drab, jaded world that can be medical school and winter in NYC.

Over and out.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

back from the depths...

so i notice it's about 2 years since my last post and i've been talking to ppl about how i have a hibernating blog. as a consequence of this, along with an important milestone in my life (the end of first year of med school), i'm going to resuscitate my blog and document my ridiculous thoughts about life, mainly for my amusement but also maybe for others, too.

this weekend, my friend marius came to town and i think i instilled in him the greatness that is BUBBLES. such a fun toy for all ages and makes EVERYONE smile. especially when you have a bubble TOOLSET as i do. just imagine a swiss army knife style bubble wand. GENIOUS!

among the plethora of toys i have for the park, bubbles is indeed within the top 3 of my favorite, with kites and frisbees also in that elite category. pinwheels are just short of being in the group that exudes AWESOMENESS but still an excellent form of entertainment when you really are supposed to be studying in the park, not playing. ;)

you would probably mistake this blog post for a 13-year-old. no maybe less, more like 8 (not a whole whopping 24) but i pride myself in being 85% child, 15% adult. maybe thinking young will keep me young. at least that i'm counting on.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

the gold mine that is rockville, md

So in running errands yesterday, I took the initiative to look for an Asian grocery store. Why? I'm not really sure. I think it's because I've heard that the smashed up suburbia that is Rockville, MD has a lot of Asian food stores and I guess I was in the that ismood to get out of the house and do stuff. Upon the search for the one on Rockville Pike, I stumble upon a Ten Ren Tea House!! =) Yes, so hidden in one of the million strip malls in Rockville lies 1 of the 2 Ten Rens in MD and it's 10 minutes from my house! It had totally made my week knowing that fate led me to live in a place where there is a Ten Ren so nearby! I shall indeed be going every week from now on since Ten Ren will never be this accessible to me ever again. Dangerous in a way because Ten Ren = $3.15 + gas + ton more calories I don't need. Oh well.

2 sad points of my discovery:

1. There is no frequent buyer card. If they did, Ten Ren would be losing/gaining much business from me.
2. So I don't know what goes on at this Ten Ren but customers are not allowed to pick their own straws. WTF? That is totally the best part of the bubble tea experience. I guess I can't really complain because it's so close to my apt. but still. it's weirdd.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

sigh of relief

so i have indeed made it through half of oct. Time is just flying with all this stuff keeping me busy. there's always work and classes are getting pretty old since they basically are after work and keep me from finishing my last secondaries. but i officially turned everything in this past monday and it feels awesome! so i'm celebrating with happy hour tom. woot! now it's just the waiting game which i'm ok with for now..but likely not for long....

so last weekend i went to chapel hill to see roy and his boys....yes, i went down for late night as well as seeing everyone. it was such a good time and i miss it so much already. late night was nuts, tho! there were fireworks and fire torches!!

and liquid pleasure, roy's fave band.

lots of dancing and funny and corny skits. besides the girls getting shafted in their late night appearance, with non-working sound and homemade (not professional) skits, it was a fabulous time and i forgot what life was like down there. i def took it for granted BIG TIME. hence i bought all this new stuff that i always wanted but never needed. i still don't need it but since i get paid a whopping $12 an hour, i felt i could splurge a little. lol. but i'm planning my next trip back soon! it's a bit of a distance but soo worth it. i'm def glad to be in a city again but its just a different culture down there. and really feels like a little slice of heaven. =D

ok getting ready for bed. no internet at work so i'm reveling in it now. but i'm gonna start writing more on my blog from now on...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

trying to survive september

As the summer has come to a close, the chaos in my life switches modes. This summer was basically running around to hang out with everyone and stressing out at work. Now, post-Labor Day, it is about secondaries and classes. Getting secondaries done is pretty time consuming, especially after work. But then throw in classes at a totally school at freakin College Park, and that equals me running around Maryland trying to get all my stuff settled. Luckily, it's all getting done but slowly, with lots of mistakes along the way. I guess they are trivial in the bigger scheme of things. My goal is basically to survive September, get through secondaries and get used to the routine of class after work and then actually being able to hang out on the weekends in DC. haha. try not to be pulled away up north. ;)